Open Source Newsletter Tools Comparison

published on 10 January 2024

Finding the right open source newsletter tool can be overwhelming given the many options available.

In this post, we analyze the top open source newsletter platforms to compare key features, usability, and technical capabilities to help you select the optimal newsletter software for your needs.

We explore leading self-hosted newsletter tools like Listmonk, phpList, and SendPortal as well as managed newsletter services like Buttondown, Substack, and Ghost. Additionally, we look at integrating email marketing automation with open source platforms like Mautic and MailPoet.** Our goal is to provide the definitive guide to open source newsletter tools so you can make an informed decision.**

Introduction to Open Source Newsletter Tools

Open source newsletter tools provide a flexible, customizable alternative to proprietary email marketing platforms. As community-driven solutions, they offer more control and transparency compared to commercial services. This article provides an overview of popular open source options, analyzing their features and usability to help readers determine the best fit for their needs.

Understanding Open Source Newsletter Platforms

Open source newsletter software is developed collaboratively by a community of contributors and made freely available under an open source license. This allows users to access and modify the source code as needed. Key benefits of open source newsletters include:

  • Cost savings: Open source platforms are free to use with no restrictive pricing tiers. This makes them ideal for bootstrapped startups, small businesses, and hobbyists.
  • Customizability: Users can tweak open source software to suit their specific needs, integrate with other tools, or add new features.
  • Self-hosted option: Many open source newsletter tools allow self-hosting for increased data ownership and privacy.
  • Transparency: With publicly accessible source code, users can verify an open source platform's security and functionality.

For those reasons, open source newsletters are a popular pick for developers, tech professionals, and privacy-focused users.

Evaluating Newsletter Software Features

When comparing open source newsletter platforms, some key criteria to evaluate include:

  • Ease of use: User-friendly admin dashboard and intuitive newsletter builder.
  • Delivery reliability: Tools to ensure emails reach subscribers' inboxes.
  • List management: Importing contacts, grouping subscribers, and managing preferences.
  • Email templates: Customizable templates for consistent branding.
  • Analytics: Tracking open, clickthrough, and unsubscribe rates.
  • Integration: API and Zapier integration to connect with other software.
  • Support: Documentation, guides, community forums, and responsiveness.

We will assess popular open source options across these criteria to determine which solutions best fit key user needs.

Can you make money from a free newsletter?

Yes, there are several ways to monetize a free newsletter:

  • Subscription fees: Offer a paid subscription with additional content, features, or benefits beyond the free version. This is a common approach.
  • Affiliate marketing: Earn commissions by promoting relevant products or services. Ensure affiliate links provide value to readers.
  • Sponsorships: Sell sponsored content, ads, or brand partnerships. Keep ads relevant and non-intrusive.
  • Donations: Add donation links or crowdfunding campaigns so satisfied readers can optionally support your work.
  • Consulting/freelancing: Use the newsletter to demonstrate expertise and land paid gigs.
  • Sell merchandise: Design t-shirts, mugs, posters, etc. with branded images or quotes from your newsletter.
  • Paid newsletters: Offer special editions, early access to content, or additional analysis for a fee.

The key is providing consistent value that compels a subset of readers to financially contribute via one or more of the above models. Quality original content and a loyal audience are prerequisites for effectively monetizing any newsletter.

Can you start a newsletter for free?

Yes, you can start a newsletter for free using several open source and freemium solutions. Here are some top options to consider:


  • Open source newsletter app that you can self-host for free
  • Provides basic features like email templates, subscriber management, analytics
  • Requires technical expertise to set up and manage


  • Self-hosted newsletter tool with free open source version
  • Includes email templates, automation, analytics, APIs
  • Need technical skills for installation and configuration


  • Basic freemium newsletter service by Mailchimp
  • Up to 5,000 subscribers and basic templates included
  • Easy to set up but less customization options


  • Generous free tier for small newsletters
  • Simple editor and custom domains
  • Lacks some advanced features like automation

The free services offer a good way to get started and test newsletter ideas. But you may eventually need paid plans for more subscribers, customization, and advanced capabilities. Self-hosted open source options give the most control but require technical skills.

What are the three types of newsletters?

There are three main types of newsletters:

Company Newsletters

Company newsletters are published by businesses to share company news, product updates, special offers, and other information with customers, employees, investors, or other stakeholders.

Some key features of company newsletters include:

  • Provide product updates and announcements
  • Share company news and developments
  • Build brand awareness and engagement
  • Drive sales through special offers or promotions

Consumer Newsletters

Consumer newsletters are published by individuals, typically with a specific focus or niche interest. The content is usually centered around the writer's expertise, opinions, recommendations, or curated information on a particular topic.

Some common types of consumer newsletters:

  • Newsletter blogs - Similar to blog content delivered via email
  • Review newsletters - Provide product/service reviews
  • Niche hobby or interest newsletters - Focused around specific hobbies, communities or interests

Key features of consumer newsletters include:

  • Mostly written by individuals/small teams
  • Personality and tone driven by the writer(s)
  • Reader engagement through comments, discussions
  • Monetization through advertising, affiliates, subscriptions

Organization Newsletters

These newsletters are published by non-profit organizations, associations, clubs, educational institutions, religious organizations, etc. to connect with their members, volunteers, donors and other stakeholders.

Typical features of such newsletters:

  • Provide organization updates, news and announcements
  • Share information on events, programs, causes
  • Engagement opportunities - donations, volunteering, membership drives
  • Build brand awareness and connect with target communities

The type of newsletter dictates the kind of content and engagement strategy. Understanding these core differences allows creators to effectively cater to their target reader base.

Do email newsletters still work?

Email marketing is still an effective channel with a high return on investment. Studies show that email newsletters have an average ROI of 4400%, making them one of the most cost-effective marketing tactics.

There are a few key reasons why email newsletters continue to deliver results:

  • Large reach: Email has one of the highest penetration rates of any marketing channel. Over 4 billion people worldwide use email, providing access to a massive audience.
  • High open and click-through rates: Despite competition from other channels, email still sees strong engagement metrics. The average email open rate is 21.3%, with click-through rates around 2.9% on average.
  • Building relationships and loyalty: Email allows brands to have ongoing, direct conversations to nurture relationships over time. This cultivates loyalty and increases customer lifetime value.
  • Driving conversions and sales: Email is highly effective at moving readers down the sales funnel. Retargeting cold traffic or nurturing warm leads via email consistently generates sales.

While alternative channels like social media exist, email's ROI and results make it still one of the best digital marketing channels available today. When executed correctly, email newsletters continue to connect with audiences and drive tangible business impact.


Exploring Self-Hosted Newsletter Tools

Self-hosted newsletter tools provide open source alternatives for sending and managing email newsletters. These community-driven solutions offer more customization, flexibility, and control compared to proprietary services. However, self-hosting also comes with greater technical requirements.

Listmonk: A Deep Dive into Self-Hosted Newsletter Management

Listmonk is an open source newsletter and mailing list manager written in Go. Key features include:

  • Email campaign creation, scheduling and analytics
  • Subscription management
  • Integration with payment gateways
  • Theming and branding customization

With over 1,400 stars on GitHub, Listmonk has an active development community. Those opting for self-hosted Listmonk will need Linux hosting with MySQL/PostgreSQL database support. There is also a Listmonk demo available to test drive the interface.

phpList: The Open Source Mailing List Manager

phpList is a self-hosted newsletter manager built in PHP. Capabilities include:

  • Contact management
  • Template editing
  • A/B testing
  • Open and click tracking

phpList integrates with CRMs like Salesforce and can serve as an open source email marketing tool. Self-hosting phpList requires PHP 7.2+, MySQL 5.6+, and a webserver like Apache or Nginx.

SendPortal: Customization and Usability

SendPortal is an easy-to-use open source newsletter app providing:

  • Drag and drop builder
  • Custom domains
  • Template marketplace
  • Detailed analytics

With its modern interface, SendPortal simplifies newsletter creation and customization. Self-hosting requires Docker, docker-compose and Traefik proxy.

When evaluating self-hosted newsletter tools, considerations include feature needs, technical expertise, available support, and ease-of-use. The options highlighted offer capable open source alternatives to proprietary newsletter platforms.

Managed Newsletter Service Providers

Managed newsletter services provide turnkey solutions for creating, sending, and managing email newsletters without needing to self-host software or manage servers. These services aim to simplify newsletter creation for less technical users.

Buttondown: Simplifying Newsletter Platform Usability

Buttondown focuses on an intuitive writing experience for non-technical users. Its editor has a clean interface for drafting posts, scheduling emails, and managing subscribers. Users praise its simplicity compared to open source alternatives.

For delivery, Buttondown leverages Amazon SES with automatic link tracking. It provides basic readership analytics like open and click rates. Monetization is available through subscription fees or voluntary supporter programs.

Overall, Buttondown appeals to beginner newsletter publishers who value usability over advanced customization. Its templating and analytics capabilities trail other platforms. But for basic newsletter needs, Buttondown simplifies email publication.

Substack: A New Era of Newsletter Features

Substack positions itself as a platform for professional writers and journalists. It offers newsletter templates tailored for different content formats - from personal blogs to premium news publications.

Substack newsletters can be free or paid for premium content. Writers keep 90% of subscription revenue. This business model appeals to independent publishers looking to monetize quality writing.

For analytics, Substack tracks opens, clicks, replies, subscribers gained/lost, and revenue. It also helps with promotion and discovery through its built-in directory of all newsletters on the platform.

With its focus on content monetization, Substack leads in empowering writers to turn newsletters into sustainable publication businesses. Its tools simplify building an audience and paid subscriber base.

Ghost and WordPress: Content Management Meets Newsletters

Platforms like Ghost and WordPress are often associated with blogging and websites. But they also enable publishing and managing newsletters alongside other content.

Both platforms have email list management and newsletter plugins. So users can seamlessly integrate promotional emails to website visitors and blog subscribers. This allows personalized messaging based on interests and engagement with site content.

For example, an online magazine can promote newly published articles to email subscribers. Or an ecommerce site can send cart abandonment emails and personalized recommendations to customers. This integration with content and customer data makes Ghost and WordPress powerful for contextualized email marketing.

The customizability of these platforms also allows advanced tracking of user journeys from email to site. And their maturity in content publishing helps ensure reliable deliverability. So they present versatile options for integrated newsletter management alongside other digital content.

Integrating Open Source Email Marketing Tools

Open source email marketing platforms offer flexible and customizable solutions for sending newsletters. When assessing options, key factors include integration with existing infrastructure, deliverability, segmentation capabilities, and ease of use.

Mautic: Open Source Email Marketing Automation

Mautic is a popular open source marketing automation system with integrated email capabilities.

Key features:

  • Drag-and-drop email builder to customize templates
  • Segment contacts based on attributes and behaviors
  • A/B testing for subject lines and content
  • Integrations with CRMs like Salesforce and Dynamics

As an open source tool, Mautic provides flexibility to host on your own servers and modify as needed. However, it does require more technical expertise compared to turnkey SaaS solutions.

MailPoet: WordPress Email Marketing Made Easy

MailPoet seamlessly integrates email marketing into WordPress sites.


  • 15,000+ free templates
  • Handles sending and deliverability infrastructure
  • Drag-and-drop editor to build templates
  • Segmentation with WordPress user data

For WordPress site owners seeking an integrated newsletter solution, MailPoet simplifies email marketing without needing third-party tools.

Evaluating both self-hosted open source and SaaS email solutions allows tradeoffs between control, flexibility, and ease of use. Prioritizing key requirements around integration, deliverability, reporting, and ease of customization guides the selection process.

Comparing Newsletter Features and Usability

Additional functionality that impacts newsletter tool selection, like metrics, APIs, and support options.

Analytics and Reporting in Newsletter Management

Understanding key metrics like open rates, click rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribes is critical for optimizing newsletter campaigns. Open source newsletter platforms like Listmonk, phpList, and Sendy provide basic analytics, while more robust email marketing solutions like Mailchimp offer advanced segmentation and A/B testing.

When selecting a newsletter tool, consider these analytics features:

  • Open and click tracking - Measure email open and link click rates
  • Bounce and unsubscribe tracking - Identify issues with invalid emails or lack of interest
  • Campaign reporting - View delivery rates, spam complaints for each newsletter
  • Segmentation - Filter results by subscriber attributes like location, interests, etc.
  • A/B testing - Test different email content for better results

Prioritizing analytics helps create more targeted, higher performing newsletters over time.

APIs and Integration Capabilities

Integrating your newsletter tool with other apps like CRMs, e-commerce platforms, and marketing automation software unlocks more value.

Here are some API and integration options in open source newsletters:

  • Zapier - Connect and automate workflows with other apps
  • Webhooks - Trigger actions from newsletter events
  • REST APIs - Build custom integrations
  • WordPress plugins - Embed and manage from WordPress admin

Consider if you need native app integrations or custom APIs based on your tech stack and use case.

Support and Community Resources

Besides documentation, customer service access varies greatly between newsletter providers:

  • Community forums - Get help from peer users in open forums
  • Email support - Submit tickets to customer service teams
  • Chat support - Get real-time answers from support staff

Also research the developer community behind each open source newsletter project. Vibrant communities build better software over time.

When evaluating providers, ensure adequate support channels suit your needs.

Open Source Newsletter Tools Comparison: Final Thoughts

Key Insights from the Open Source Newsletter Comparison

When comparing open source newsletter platforms, a few key capabilities stand out:

  • Customizability - Open source tools like Listmonk, phpList, and SendPortal offer more customization options compared to hosted solutions. You can modify the codebase to add new features.
  • Self-hosting - With self-hosted open source software, you have full control over data, security, integrations. This appeals to users wanting more privacy and custom workflows.
  • Community-driven - Open source newsletter projects often have an active developer community. This brings benefits like quick bug fixes, feature requests, and documentation.
  • Cost - Avoiding subscription fees is a motivation for selecting open source options. However hosting and maintenance requires technical expertise.
  • Features - Hosted newsletter services tend to offer more out-of-the-box features like templates, analytics, deliverability optimization. Open source platforms offer core capabilities that can be extended.

Selecting the Optimal Newsletter Tool

Choosing the best open source newsletter software depends on your technical skills, customization needs, and priorities like deliverability rates.

For non-technical users, hosted services like Buttondown and Revue are easier to use. Those wanting more control can explore self-hosted options like Listmonk and phpList.

Evaluate available integrations, ease of creating newsletter campaigns, analytics, and advanced features. An active community is essential for an open source project to thrive long-term.

Understand the level of technical expertise required for self-hosting, modifications, troubleshooting etc. Factor in ongoing server and maintenance costs too.

Finally, test deliverability and spam rates before sending newsletters to a large subscriber list. Fine-tune settings to ensure your emails reliably reach inboxes.

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