notion alternative open source

published on 16 December 2023

Readers likely agree that while Notion is a popular productivity tool, its closed-source nature limits customizability and control.

Exciting open-source alternatives to Notion exist that provide greater flexibility, privacy, and independence at low or no cost.

In this post, we'll compare Notion to its open-source counterparts like AppFlowy, explore self-hosted options recommended by Reddit communities, and provide guidance on migration and adoption of these platforms for enhanced productivity.

Introduction to Open Source Notion Alternatives

Notion is a popular all-in-one productivity and collaboration platform that offers robust functionality for notes, databases, wikis, calendars, and more. As a proprietary software controlled by a single company, however, Notion does not provide full transparency or customizability that some power users desire. This has driven demand for open source alternatives to Notion that put control back in the hands of users.

Understanding Notion's Impact on Productivity

Notion's flexible building blocks allow users to create customized productivity systems to manage projects, organize information, streamline workflows, and collaborate efficiently. The ability to connect disparate workplace elements into a unified hub has made Notion a staple resource for many teams and individuals.

However, as Notion is proprietary software, the company controls key decisions around features, access, and data. Some users, especially tech-savvy ones or those handling sensitive information, may prefer open alternatives for greater transparency and control.

The Appeal of Open Source for Enhanced Control

Open source software provides full access to source code, allowing greater customizability and community-driven development. As Notion alternatives, open source productivity tools can enable:

  • Access to core code for security audits or custom modifications

  • Ability to self-host data on private infrastructure for enhanced privacy

  • More transparency around how the software functions and processes user data

  • Potentially faster feature expansion through collaborative contributions

For users wanting deeper control, flexibility, and transparency, investigating open source alternatives to Notion may be appealing, even if proprietary tools like Notion offer greater ease-of-use currently. Understanding one's priorities is key in determining if an open source option could be suitable.

Is there a free alternative to Notion?

Notion is a popular note-taking and project management app known for its flexibility and customizability. However, it does come with a free tier with limited features and storage. If you're looking for a free alternative to Notion that offers similar functionalities, here are some open source options to consider:


AppFlowy is an open-source alternative built as a Notion clone. It is free to use and allows unlimited storage and users. Some key features:

  • Note taking with rich text editing

  • Kanban boards

  • Calendar views

  • Nested pages

  • Real-time collaboration

AppFlowy is great for personal use or for teams looking for a free Notion alternative. It is customizable, but may lack some advanced features like Notion's full-featured databases.

Trilium Notes

Trilium Notes is a feature-rich open source note-taking app focused on building a personal knowledge base. Key features:

  • Hierarchical note organization

  • Encrypted notes

  • Flexible linking between notes

  • Markdown notes

  • Code snippet embedding

Trilium offers a desktop app as well as web and mobile access. It can be self-hosted. The interface is a bit dated but overall it's a very capable Notion alternative.


Wiki.js is an open source wiki app that can also double up as a Notion alternative for some use cases. Key aspects:

  • Markdown powered wiki

  • Drag and drop editing

  • Visual editor available

  • Access control for private wikis

  • Search, tags, revisions

While it lacks some Notion-style databases and boards, Wiki.js offers a simple yet powerful wiki that teams can use for organizing notes and documentation.

So in summary, AppFlowy makes for the closest Notion alternative while Trilium and Wiki.js offer different takes on open source note apps. They provide unlimited use at no cost while allowing self-hosting for privacy.

Is there an open source version of Notion?

Notion is a very popular note-taking and productivity app, but since it is closed-source and proprietary, some users may desire an open-source alternative that offers more transparency, flexibility, and privacy.

One such alternative that shows promise is AppFlowy. AppFlowy is an open-source, self-hosted alternative built with Rust and Flutter.

Here are some of the key highlights of AppFlowy:

  • Open-source - The source code is available on GitHub under the AGPL 3.0 license, allowing full transparency and customizability.

  • Self-hosted - You can host your own AppFlowy server and retain complete data ownership and privacy.

  • Minimal and customizable - The interface aims for simplicity while allowing personalization via themes and extensions.

  • Cross-platform - Native apps are available for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android.

  • Note-taking and productivity features - AppFlowy supports many expected features like rich text notes, Kanban boards, reminders and more.

So if you like Notion but want an open, transparent and self-hosted alternative, AppFlowy seems very promising, especially as an early work-in-progress. The developers welcome community contributions and feedback to help evolve AppFlowy.

Give AppFlowy a try if you are seeking a FOSS note-taking tool with potential. As an added bonus, it works nicely on Linux too!

Does Google have something similar to Notion?

Google Keep is a practical Notion alternative if you are frequently on the go and have been using Notion to take notes.

As a free note-taking app, Google Keep allows you to quickly capture thoughts, ideas, web pages, images, audio, and video. You can categorize notes with labels, set reminders, collaborate with others, and access notes from any device since everything syncs through your Google account.

While Keep lacks some of Notion's more advanced features like databases, conditional formatting, and workflow automation, its simplicity and easy access across devices makes it an alternative for basic note-taking on the go. The ability to share notes and collaborate with others is also useful.

However, Keep has storage limits and lacks offline access, so it may not suit users who need to work without an internet connection. The formatting options are also more basic compared to Notion.

For personal note capture spanning devices, Google Keep hits the mark. But users who rely on Notion's databases, templates, and automation for complex project management may find it lacking. Evaluating your specific Notion use cases will determine if the basic but ubiquitous Keep meets your needs.


What is the rust alternative to Notion?

Context: AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.

AppFlowy is an open-source, self-hosted alternative to Notion that gives users full control over their data and allows for extensive customization.

Some key highlights of AppFlowy:

  • Built with Rust and Flutter for performance and cross-platform compatibility

  • Fully open-source under AGPL 3.0 license

  • Self-hosted option so users own their data

  • Support for markdown, databases, kanban boards

  • Custom themes and styles

  • Plugins and integration support

  • Strong focus on privacy and encryption

As an open-source project, AppFlowy benefits from community contributions and transparency about it's development. Users who want to self-host their productivity software can run AppFlowy on their own server or devices. This gives them full data ownership and removes reliance on third-party services.

For those concerned about lock-in or transparency with services like Notion, AppFlowy presents a compelling open-source alternative written mostly in Rust, a programming language focused on speed, security and stability. While less feature-rich than Notion currently, AppFlowy's open-source nature means users can directly contribute to expanding functionality over time.

So in summary, AppFlowy sits well as a Notion alternative for open-source enthusiasts who prioritize transparency, customizability, and self-reliance in their tools.

Exploring AppFlowy: The Open Source Notion Alternative

AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion gaining traction for its focus on flexibility, customizability, and privacy. As an early-stage project it lacks some polish, but shows promise as a Notion competitor aligned with open source values.

AppFlowy vs Notion: Feature Comparison

AppFlowy replicates many core Notion features like databases, kanban boards, wikis and documents. The editing experience feels similar with support for text, tables, checklists and other content blocks.

Some key differences:

  • AppFlowy lacks mobile apps (web-only)

  • Simpler permission model

  • Self-hosted option for more control

  • Markdown support

  • No monetization model yet

So AppFlowy offers less convenience but more customizability. As it matures, AppFlowy aims to match Notion's broad feature set while preserving its open ethos.

Community Insights: AppFlowy on GitHub

With over 2k stars on GitHub, AppFlowy benefits from an engaged community submitting bug reports and feature requests. This allows agile development driven by real user feedback.

Active maintainers quickly review issues and contributions. Major releases ship every 2 weeks reflecting this rapid iteration. The project exemplifies the collaborative potential of open source.

This grassroots style contrasts with Notion's more corporate approach. AppFlowy's transparency and contributor-first mentality fosters loyalty in its early adopters.

Is AppFlowy Free? Understanding the Cost-Benefit

Yes, AppFlowy is 100% free with no paid tiers. As it is open source, anyone can host it themselves at no cost. This grants users full control over data and functionality.

Of course, self-hosting does require technical know-how. For non-developers, free hosted versions may arrive as the project matures.

In any case AppFlowy promises to remain free in its basic form. This ethos targets price-conscious users and aligns with open source values of access and transparency.

Notion still leads in usability but charges subscription fees for full access. As AppFlowy evolves feature-wise, its zero cost may convince open source proponents to switch. The value proposition trades convenience for freedom and community ownership.

Self-Hosted Notion Alternatives: Independence and Security

Self-hosting a productivity platform like Notion can provide enhanced privacy, security, customizability, and independence compared to relying on a centralized cloud service. Open source software allows you to run an application on your own server or device. Let's explore some open source Notion alternatives for self-hosting and the benefits they offer.

Notion Alternative Self-Hosted Options

Here are some of the top open source self-hosted alternatives to Notion:

  • AppFlowy - An open-source alternative built with Flutter. It offers offline mode, real-time collaboration, Kanban boards, and supports mobile apps. It's easy to self-host and has an active community on GitHub.

  • TiddlyWiki - A flexible open-source personal knowledge base that runs as a single HTML file. Fully customizable to suit your needs.

  • Joplin - An open-source note-taking and to-do application with markdown support, encryption, and mobile apps. It integrates with cloud drives like Nextcloud or Dropbox for syncing.

  • Trilium - A feature-packed open-source knowledge base for notes, documents, and code snippets. Offers hierarchical relationships and linking between notes.

  • XWiki - An open-source platform for creating collaborative knowledge management systems. XWiki provides a structured wiki environment with powerful features for knowledge organization, real-time collaboration, and customization. It supports extensions and integrates with other tools to enhance productivity.

These alternatives provide robust features for personal and collaborative knowledge management, offering flexibility and security through self-hosting.

Enhanced Privacy and Control with Self-Hosting

With Notion, all your data sits on their servers with terms and privacy policies you must accept. Self-hosted software puts you in charge, with the ability to:

  • Store all data on your own secured devices or servers behind your firewall

  • Avoid broad terms of service that often allow hosting providers extensive rights over user data

  • Comply more easily with data residency laws and industry regulations

  • Customize the software to suit your specific needs

The open source codebase also allows transparency into how the application works under the hood.

Community Recommendations: Self-Hosted Notion Alternative from Reddit

On Reddit, many users praise AppFlowy as an actively developed Notion alternative focused on self-hosting capabilities:

  • "Been using AppFlowy for a few months. Very fast, reliable, has offline mode."

  • "The real-time collaboration works great. We switched from Notion."

  • "Easy to deploy with Docker. Developer responds to issues on GitHub."

With an engaged open source community contributing, AppFlowy seems to match Notion's components while prioritizing privacy through self-hosted deployment.

Evaluating priorities around privacy, customization, and user control can determine if a self-hosted open source alternative like AppFlowy fits your needs better than SaaS tools like Notion.

Practical Considerations When Switching to Open Source

Assessing Feature Parity and Learning Curve

Transitioning from a familiar tool like Notion to an open source alternative involves some key considerations. Conduct an objective assessment of the feature differences and gaps - are essential capabilities like wiki-style linking, databases, deep organization/filtering, etc available in your chosen open source option? Understand any lacking integrations or third-party connections in areas like embeds or analytics.

Take stock of the effort required to learn a new interface and workflow. While open source options are feature-rich, the learning curve may be steeper, so factor that into your transition plan. Consider starting with simple use cases, then progressively expanding scope. Reference community tutorials to ramp up effectively.

Migration Strategies for Notion Content

Migrating years of content from Notion can feel daunting. Some open source tools like AppFlowy provide importers to pull Notion data into a similar database structure with reasonable fidelity. For others, exporting to intermediate formats like Markdown or CSV can retain essential text/tables.

If feasible, maintain your Notion instance read-only during transition to refer to legacy content. Use tagging and hierarchy to incrementally port the most critical or recently-used content. Embrace simplification during migration - letting go of unused legacy data enables cleaner organization.

Community Support and Resources

Open source projects thrive through community collaboration. Engage project forums, Discords, Reddit threads etc to connect with users tackling similar challenges. Contrary to perception, active projects boast helpful online groups that quickly address issues.

For enhancing or customizing your instance, public code repositories with documentation empower you to build on others' work or contribute back. The collective support enables open source solutions to rapidly evolve features and integrations well beyond the scope of proprietary apps.

Conclusion: Is the Open Source Shift Worthwhile?

Shifting from proprietary software like Notion to open source alternatives like AppFlowy can provide greater flexibility, transparency, privacy, and control for some users. However, it does require more technical expertise and effort to set up and maintain.

Here are some key advantages of switching to open source Notion alternatives:

  • The code is visible and customizable, allowing power users to fine-tune the software to their needs

  • You have more control over your data and privacy since apps aren't beholden to third-party Terms of Service

  • Open source projects often have active developer communities for troubleshooting issues and feature requests

  • In many cases, open source options are free to use without restrictions on user counts or features

The downsides to keep in mind:

  • Documentation and usability lag behind proprietary options at times, requiring a learning curve

  • Open source platforms can lose momentum and updates over time, depending on the project

  • You lose the convenience and scalability of a fully-managed hosted service

  • No direct customer support is available if issues arise

Overall, self-hosting open source software like AppFlowy is more of an enthusiast solution for tech-savvy users rather than a turnkey work platform. Most average users will likely still prefer the simplicity and reliability of commercial SaaS alternatives. But for developers, hobbyists, and open source proponents, community-driven platforms provide valuable alternatives worth evaluating.

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